Trinity College, Dublin
Valerie Allen studied at Trinity College Dublin, subsequently teaching at University College Dublin, the University of Stirling (Scotland), and the University of South Florida before joining the John Jay faculty in 1999. She researches medieval literature and culture, philosophy, and the history of ideas. Her publications include Roadworks: Medieval Britain, medieval roads (Manchester University Press, 2016); L'Art d'enseigner de Martin Heidegger (Klinksieck, 2007); On Farting: Language and Laughter in the Middle Ages (Palgrave, 2010, 2007); and New Casebooks: Chaucer (Macmillan, 1997).
ENG 260
ENG 201
MAT 106
New Chaucer Society
Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics
(2022) “To Measure is to Feel: The Mathematics of English Metric Relics.” Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 52.2: 219-251.
(2021) “The Embarrassments of Rhyme.” Shakespeare Studies 49: 128-138.
(2019) “Literature: Mathematics:: Tenor: Vehicle” Exemplaria 31.4: 315-324.
(2017). “Medieval English.” In English Literature in Context, 2nd edn, ed. Paul Poplawski (pp. 1-104). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
(2016) Roadworks: Medieval Britain, Medieval Roads, ed. Valerie Allen and Ruth Evans. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Valerie Allen is a medieval literature scholar. She studies intellectual history, and her current research interest lies at the intersection of mathematics, theology, and poetics.