MFA, Emerson College (2009, Creative Writing)
BA, Stanford University (2006, Modern Thought and Literature Honors Program)
Kim Liao is a Lecturer in the Writing Program of the English Department, and has taught creative writing at Gotham Writers' Workshop and Catapult. As a creative writer, former legal writer, and professional editor, her teaching interests include helping students write effectively in different genres across disciplines and in situations both inside and outside of the academy. Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, Catapult, Lit Hub, The Rumpus, Salon, The Millions, River Teeth, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, Fringe, and others. Her essay in Lit Hub about collecting rejections went viral--starting the #100rejections challenge--and led to her being dubbed a "Rejection Expert," a title she wears with a healthy dose of irony. She is currently revising a family memoir about the Taiwanese Independence Movement.
ENG 201
ENG 101