Gwendolyn L.
Professor Emeritus
Phone number
Room number
10.63.13 NB

PhD, Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles

Gwendolyn L. Gerber is Professor of Psychology at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and has appointments on the faculties of the doctoral programs in Forensic Psychology and Criminal Justice at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. She has published in journals such as Sex Roles, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy, and Social Psychology Quarterly, as well as in edited books. Her book, “Women and Men Police Officers: Status, Gender, and Personality,” deals with gender issues in the relationships between police officers who work as partners. Currently, Professor Gerber is a Consulting Editor for Psychology of Women Quarterly and also has served as Consulting Editor for Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs and the Journal of Genetic Psychology. Her research interests include gender issues in forensic psychology, police psychology, gender stereotyping, and sexual assault. A Fellow in the American Psychological Association and The New York Academy of Sciences, she has received the Wilhelm Wundt and Kurt Lewin Awards from the New York State Psychological Association.
Scholarly Work

Gerber, G. L. (2009). Status and the gender stereotyped personality traits: Toward an integration. Sex Roles, 61, 297-316.

Gerber, G. L. (2009) Status, personality, and gender stereotyping: Response to commentators. Sex Roles, 61, 352-360.