2004 PhD University of South Florida
1996 MS Georgia State University
1994 BA Emory University
Dr. Diana Falkenbach is a tenured Associate Professor in the Psychology Department at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and the Director of the M.A. program in Forensic Psychology. She completed her doctoral studies in Clinical Psychology at the University of South Florida. She holds an M.S. in Counseling from Georgia State University and a B.A. in Psychology from Emory University. Prior to joining the John Jay Faculty, she completed her internship at Bellevue Hospital Center and Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center, where she conducted testing, forensic evaluations, and therapy with violent mentally ill offenders. Dr. Falkenbach is a clinical researcher focusing on psychopathy and related behaviors. She is interested in understanding the etiology of psychopathy and violence, as well as the development and evaluation of assessment instruments. While these areas of research are commonly studied in adult males, Dr. Falkenbach pursues research on psychopathic traits and predictors of violence in women, juveniles, various multicultural groups and noncriminal populations. Her recent focus is on “successful”adaptations of psychopathic traits and considering if heroes and criminal psychopaths may be “twigs off of the same genetic branch” (Lykken, 1995). She is working on several research projects considering psychopathic traits in police, FBI and corporate samples.
Falkenbach, D. M., Barese, T., Balash, J., Reinhard, E.E., & Hughs, C. (In Press) Subclinical psychopathic subtypes and aggression: A typology of traits among female college students. Personality and Individual Differences.
Howe, J.R., Falkenbach, D. M. & Massey, C. (2014). The Relationship between Psychopathy, Emotional Intelligence, and Professional Success in Business. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research and Treatment. 13(4), 337-347.
Falkenbach, D. M., Stern, S., & Creevy, C. (2014) Psychopathy variants: Empirical evidence supporting a subtyping model in a community sample. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research and Treatment. 5(1), 10.
Falkenbach, D. M., Howe, & Falki, M., (2013). Using self-esteem to disaggregate psychopathy, narcissism, and aggression. Personality and Individual Differences. 54(7), 815-820.
Falkenbach, D. M., & Tsoukalas, M. (2010). Psychopathy. In P. Chauhan (ed.) Mental health issues in forensic psychology [Monograph for John Jay]. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
Del Gaizo, A., & Falkenbach, D. M. (2008). Primary and Secondary Psychopathy and their relationship to perception and experience of emotion. Journal of Personality and Individual Differences. 45(3), 206-212.
Falkenbach, D. M. (2008). Psychopathy and the Assessment of Violence in Women. Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice: Case Reports, 8(2), 212-224.
Falkenbach, D. M., & Egan, S.S., Williams, J F. (2008). The Validity of Aggression Assessment Measures and Criterion Contamination in Psychopathy Research. International Journal of Crime, Criminal Justice and the Law.
Falkenbach, D. M., Poythress, N.G., & Creevy, C. (2008). The Exploration of Subclinical Psychopathic Subtypes and the Relationship with Types of Aggression. Journal of Personality and Individual Differences. 44(4), 821-832
Falkenbach, D. M. (2008). Forensic Psychology. In G. Madhavan, B. Oakley & L. Kun Career Development in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. Springer, N.Y.
Falkenbach, D. M., Poythress, N.G., Falki, M. & Manchak, S. (2007). Reliability and Validity of Two Self- Report Measures of Psychopathy. Assessment. 14(4), 341-350.
Boccaccini, M.T., Epstein. M., Poythress, N., Douglas, K.S., Campbell, J., Gardner, G., Falkenbach, D. M. (2007). Self-Report Measures of Child and Adolescent Psychopathy as Predictors of Offending in Four Samples of Justice-Involved Youths. Assessment, 14(4), 361-374.
Kucharski, L.T., Falkenbach, D.M., Egan, S, & Duncan, S. (In press). Antisocial Personality disorder and malingering. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health.
Falkenbach, D.M. (2006). Assessment of Psychopathic Features among Juvenile Detainees and offenders. In A.R. Roberts & D.W. Springer (Eds.), Forensic Social Work in Juvenile and Criminal Justice: Assessment, Treatment, and Research. Charles C. Thomas.
Poythress, N.G., Douglas, K.S., Falkenbach, D.M., Cruise, K., Lee, Z, Murrie, D.C., & Vitacco, M. (2006). Internal consistency reliability of the self report Antisocial Process Screening Device. Assessment.
Kucharski, L.T., Duncan, S., Egan, S.S., & Falkenbach, D.M. (2006). Psychopathy and Malingering of Psychiatric Disorder in Criminal Defendants. Behavioral Sciences and the Law.
Falkenbach, D.M., Poythress, N., & Heide, K.M. (2003). Psychopathic Features in a Juvenile Diversion Population: A Study of Two Self-Report Measures. Behavioral Sciences and the Law.
Stiles, P., Poythress, N., Hall, A., Falkenbach, D.M., & Williams, R. (2001). Understanding research consent disclosures: Improving the informed consent process when recruiting persons with mental illness as participants. Psychiatric Services, 52 (6), 780-785.
- Current Projects:
- Psychopathy in police and FBI
- Psychometric properties of Psychopathy assessment instruments for youth
- Psychopathy cross-culturally
- Subtypes of psychopathy in youth, women, and police
- Comparing student, police and corporate samples