Deryn Strange
Phone number
Room number
10.65.14 NB

2006-2008 PostDoc—University of Otago, Psychology
2005 PhD Psychology—Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
2001 BSc Psychology—Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
2000 BA—Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (Psychology & Education)


Dr Deryn Strange's research program is focussed on memory distortion and it's impact. She conducts research in three broad areas: (1) the causes and consequences of distorted memories for traumatic events; (2) the techniques that elicit false personal—autobiographical—or false collective memories and whether those false memories can be corrected; and (3) legal implications of memory distortion.

Dr Strange teaches Cognitive Psychology (Psy200) at the undergraduate level, Memory and Memory, Trauma and the Law at the graduate level.

Dr Strange is a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science and serves as a consultant to attorneys about the malleability of memory (eyewitness testimony and identification; historical claims). She is also the current President of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition.