
Why wait, Start College Now!

Attendance in the College Now program is essential, and students are more likely to succeed if they attend consistently. Research shows that "regular school attendance is one of the most powerful ways to prepare for success—both in school and life." 

Though the course instructor determines individual course attendance policy, we monitor student attendance daily and communicate directly with each student after each absence. As a guideline, students can expect instructors to adhere to the following attendance policy:

  • Students enrolled in a 1-credit course will be allowed one (1) absence, and if students exceed the (1) absence, they will be maybe withdrawn (W) from the class.
  • Students enrolled in a 3-credit course will be allowed three (3) absences, and if students exceed the (3) absences, they may be withdrawn (W) from the class. 
    • Please note that a (W) will be assigned ONLY if this is before the college's official withdrawal period. Students may receive a WU if their absence totaling (3) occurs beyond the official withdrawal period (please see calendar).

If you are running late for class or will be absent due to unforeseen circumstances, you can notify us in one of the following ways:

  1. Notify your professor 
  2. Email:
  3. Google Voice and Text: 929-352-577 

Remember, missing a class should be rare, and it is important not to schedule appointments when you have your class.  

Contact Us

Google Voice & Text: 

Office Hours
Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM