General Education Requirements
For the general education curriculum, John Jay’s faculty has developed exciting courses with a strong justice component that is at the heart of our College’s mission.
Whatever major you pursue, you’ll be able to enjoy a flexible, stimulating general education program that allows you to meet requirements in a way that fits your individual interests and builds important skills for future work or graduate study. John Jay’s growing emphasis on liberal arts while staying committed to our tradition of justice will allow you to explore a wide range of options and to enjoy more focus on specific areas of interest.
Freshmen must complete courses in all of the general education areas in order to graduate, while transfer students may have met some or most of the general education requirements at their previous institution.
Whether you’re brand new or a continuing student, remember the Academic Advisement Center is here to help. We are happy to answer any questions you have, discuss options, and help guide you to the best possible college experience.
General Education Resources:
Tips to help you plan your General Education courses wisely:
- Consult the General Education requirements listed on your Degree Works Audit.
- It’s a good idea to look ahead at your major and General Education requirements, and pay attention to any required prerequisites, so you don’t try to register for a class and then suddenly realize you needed to take another course first.
- Meet with an Academic Advisor, who can help you decide which requirements would be best for you to take together, and which ones you might want to spread out, depending on your interest level and abilities. These conversations will also help you avoid any surprises that could delay your graduation!
- See the Sample Four Year Plan on your major's resource page (Monitor Your Progress section) to get an idea of how you can pace yourself as you take General Education courses and then start to add courses towards a major. The Four Year Plan shows an example of how you can complete not only your general education requirements, but all your degree requirements in four years. You can arrange your courses differently, but this example will give you some helpful ideas!