
Admissions into the SEEK program is part of the CUNY admissions process. Applicants must complete the Special Program SEEK and College Discovery section of the CUNY freshman admissions application at http://www.cuny.edu/apply.  

To be eligible for the SEEK program, you must:

  • Be inadmissible according to the admissions criteria established for CUNY four- year colleges you want to attend
  • Be a high school graduate or recipient of a state -approved equivalency diploma.
  • ​Be a first-time freshman or previously enrolled in College Discovery (CD) Program, an Educational Opportunity Program (EOP), or Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP)
  • Be a legal resident of New York State for at least one year prior to entering college
  • Have a gross family income that meets the New York State guidelines.

Some of the benefits SEEK students receive from financial aid:

  • SEEK students are eligible to receive a maximum of ten (10) semesters of TAP (two extra semesters)
  • SEEK students may receive a grant to pay their CUNY fees.
  • SEEK students may receive educational Stipends**

Admission to the Percy Ellis SEEK Sutton Program is conditional until the following requirements have been met:

  • Provided required documents that prove your economic eligibility for SEEK;
  • Students must attend the Mandatory SEEK information session
  • Successfully completed the Mandatory SEEK Summer Academy

SEEK Economic Eligibility Guidelines for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

The table below lists financial eligibility requirements for SEEK admission during the 2025 - 2026 academic year. To be considered economically disadvantaged, a student must belong to a household that is defined in this table.

Academic Year 2025-2026 Eligibility Guidelines
Number of Members in Household (including Head of Household) Total Annual Household Income*
1 $27,861
2 $37,814
3 $47,767
4 $57,720
5 $67,673
6 $77,626
7 $87,579
8 $97,532

* For family units with more than eight members, add $9,953 for each additional persons